St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Monica Taylor is our Family Support Worker and Mental Health Champion in school. At St Matthew's Catholic Primary School we believe in promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. We help our children to understand and manage their thoughts, feeling and behaviours.


What helps?

  • eating a good balanced diet
  • good physical health and regular exercise
  • the freedom to play indoors and outdoors
  • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe
  • being able to learn and having the opportunities to succeed
  • having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community


If your child is experiencing difficulties with their Mental Health and Wellbeing you can contact Mrs Taylor in school on 01274 541737 between 8am and 4pm. We have also put some useful links below that you may want to look at too.

Kooth is a online mental health community for children and young people. Access is free, safe and anonymous.

Youth in Mind is a partnership of mental wellbeing organisations supporting children and young people from age 5-25, across the Bradford and Craven district.

YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they deserve.

Qwell is a online mental health community for adults. Access is free, safe and anonymous.




     Relationships are a very important part of a healthy lifestyle for both our physical and mental health.

                        Relationships Matter | Bradford Families and Young Persons


 Please go to the above website for great advice, tips and local support available.