Welcome to Class 5
Home learning - Friday 10th January 2025
English: Writing a biography
For your RE work on Wednesday, you were asked to think about a person you find inspiring and write or create an information poster about why you find them inspiring.
Our next unit in English is writing a biography, which is where you write about the life and achievements of someone. Today I would like you to write a biography of the inspirational person you chose in RE. This might mean you need to do some research on the internet if you are inspired by a celebrity, or you might need to talk to someone if your inspirational person is a family member or friend. Since a biography involves writing about someone’s life, it should be written in chronological order.
Here are some subheadings you might want to use to help you organise your writing:
- - Introduction: This should answer the 5 W questions: Who are they? What are they famous for or what is their relationship to you? When were they born (and possibly when did they die)? Where are they from / where do they live? Why are you writing about them / why are they inspirational to you and why might they be an inspiration to others?
- - Early Life: What things did they do or experience as a child that helped them get to where they are now? You don’t need to tell me about their whole childhood, just pick things that are interesting or relevant to why you are inspired by them.
- - Career: What did/do they do as a job? What achievements have they made?
Then choose one of the following for the final paragraph:
- - Later life: If they are no longer working. What things have they achieved since? What is their legacy?
- - Why are they inspirational?: What are the three main things that cause you to be inspired by them? What do they inspire you to do?
Maths: Counting through 0 in multiples
Watch the video for this lesson by clicking on the box below. Follow through with the teacher on the video, pausing to answer the questions when you need to.
Then answer these questions:
y5 summer block 4 wo3 count through zero in multiples 2022.pdf
Art: Fashion inspired by the artist Mondrian
Read through the information on the slides below. The activity I would like you to do is on the last slide. Feel free to use the internet to research examples of fashion inspired by Mondrian's art, but I would like you to design your own clothing - please don't do a direct copy of what you might see online.
Have a lovely weekend!
Home learning - Thursday 9th January 2025
English: Progressive tense
Click on the link below (Progressive tense) and complete the starter quiz about your existing tense knowledge. Then, watch the lesson video and complete the activities and questions within it. There is the option to download and print a worksheet for the activities if you wish to, or you could just write your answers on a piece of paper. There is an exit quiz at the end to test yourself on what you've learnt.
Maths: Counting through 0
Watch the video for this lesson by clicking on the box below. Follow through with the teacher on the video, pausing to answer the questions when you need to.
Then answer these questions:
count through 0s in 1s worksheet.pdf
Geography: How do human processes affect biomes?
Read through the information about each of the 10 biomes on the sheets below. Using this information, complete the table by bullet pointing all of the ways that each biome is affected by humans. (Hint: look at the sections with the subheading 'Human Processes'!) Some pieces of information are harder than others to spot within the sheets - you will have to use your inference skills for these biomes! You may also use the internet to research any extra information, or if you get stuck.
Then complete a table like the one below. If you have a printer, you can print it off and fill it in. Alternatively, you can copy and complete the table on some paper, or you could present the information in a more creative way if you would like to.
humans affect biomes worksheet.pdf
Home learning - Wednesday 8th January 2025
Hello Class 5. I hope you and your families had a lovely Christmas break. Here are some activities for you to do at home today since we can't be in school. You can do the activities in whatever order you like, but I have ordered them in the same way we would be doing them if we were in school. Please complete as much of the work as you can on some paper. Feel free to download and print off the worksheets if you are able to, but this is not essential.
Miss Dylak
English: Word families
We sometimes struggle with these types of questions in our SPAG tests but they're actually quite easy to answer once you understand what they are asking you! A word family is a group of words that all share the same root word but have added prefixes or suffixes to change the word class or meaning slightly. As long as you can come up with another word that shares the same root as the words in the question, you should get it correct.
For example, if I had the words audition, audio and audible, they all share the root aud- which means 'to hear'. To think of another word to fit in that family, I need something else that has aud- in it and is to do with hearing something. Some possible answers could be audience, auditorium or auditory.
Here are some slides to explain:
recognising and using words in word families.pdf
Then complete the activities on this sheet. If you are stuck or not sure what the words could be, think about common spelling rules, e.g. adverbs often end in the -ly suffix. You could also use a dictionary to help too. There is also an activity on synonyms and antonyms on the sheet. This is also a useful thing to practice as these often come up in SPAG tests too! If you finish this quickly, have a go at coming up with your own word families that all share the same root.
Maths: Understanding negative numbers.
Watch the video for this lesson by clicking on the box below. Follow through with the teacher on the video, pausing to answer the questions when you need to.
Understanding Negative Numbers
Then answer these questions:
understand negative numbers questions.pdf
RE: Who inspires me?
Your new topic this half term is 'Inspirational People'. Think about someone who inspires you. It could be a family member, a friend or even a celebrity. Create an information poster or write a paragraph explaining who that person is and why you find them inspiring - what is it that they have done or do that makes you want to be like them or encourages you to do something?
PE: YouTube workout
Since we missed our PE lesson yesterday, here is a 30 minute PE lesson with Joe Wicks on YouTube. Make sure you've got some space to do it so that you don't bump into anything!
What are we learning in Spring term?
This half term we are going to write biographies of famous scientists to link with our Science topic of 'Earth and Space'. After this, we will be writing portal stories. These are stories where characters are transported into a new world through a portal. We will take inspiration from books like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Tom's Midnight Garden and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
We will continue reading and exploring a range of texts during our Guided Reading lessons.
We will continue our work on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers before moving onto the second unit of multiplication and division. Here we will learn how to use column method for multiplying multiple-digit numbers together and bus stop method for division.
For extra practice on times tables, Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button (www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button) is available to access on devices. Please ask Miss Dylak if you've forgotten your TTRS login and need a copy of it. If you are struggling to gain internet access, written and oral practice is very beneficial, or Miss Dylak can print off some extra resources on request.
Our topic in RE this half term is ‘Inspirational People’. In this unit we will learn about the qualities possessed by followers of Jesus through the theme of inspirational people. Children will be introduced to inspirational followers of Jesus, like Fr. Damien and St. Josephine Bakhita and be encouraged to reflect on how they can follow Jesus in their own lives.
RE is taught by Miss Esposito in Class 5.
We are continuing our unit on Earth and Space this half term. We will find out about moon phases and how these relate to the orbit of the Earth and we will finish the unit by researching a famous scientist whose area of experience is related to space. This will link to our English unit on Biographies.
After this, we will start our unit on Living things and Animals where we will learn about life cycles of plants an animals including reproduction in plants.
This half term we will continue learning about the Ancient Greeks and how they have influenced modern life. First we will look at how democracy in Ancient Greece has had an effect on democracy in the UK today before moving onto looking at Ancient Greek myths and why they were significant.
We will then start our unit on the Victorians.
We are continuing to look at biomes and climate zones across the world. We will label these zones on world maps and explore whether there are any correlations between the two. We will also examine what impact humans have on each of these zones - both positive and negative.
This half term we will be finishing our unit on Art and Fashion. We will investigate the artist Mondrian and use his work as inspiration to design some clothes in his style.
After this, we will begin our unit on Art and Space.
Design and Technology
We will be exploring what frame structures are, what they are commonly used for and will design and build our own.
We have weekly singing lessons with Mr Rodriguez from the Diocese of Leeds singing programme.
Spanish / MFL
We will practice our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by learning some basic vocabulary and conversational skills.
Our unit is ‘Video Production'. We will work in groups to plan, film, edit and publish videos. We will have to think about the different camera angles we can use and work out how to troubleshoot issues such as inaudible sound or making mistakes when filming recorded clips.
Our unit title is ‘Keeping Safe’. We will explore how we can keep ourselves and others safe both in and out of school. This unit will also give us the opportunity to talk about topics such as how we can make the best decisions when faced with a dilemma, online bullying and drugs.
PE this half term will be Badminton. Please ensure that children are in correct PE kit each Tuesday.