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St. Matthew's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Class 4

Class Teacher - Mrs Hargreaves

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Duffy

1:1 support - Miss Jo

1:1 - Mrs Williams

Lunchtime Supervisor - Miss Williams

PPA cover - Miss Crawford


Our Class is Saint Blaise  

About St. Blaise - Patron Saint Article

  • Reading - Please read with your child regularly as this will help them with their fluency, comprehension and then help with their writing. They must bring their book on their designated day so it can be changed. Library day is a Friday so please bring their books so they can be changed.
  • PE - PE is on a Thursday. Please can children come to school in navy or black shorts, leggings or joggers with a white T shirt and sweatshirt or zip up jacket. Also trainers/pumps that are suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Spellings - Spelling test is on a Friday and the new spellings are given out. Please encourage your child to learn their spelling.
  • Flute - Lesson on a Thursday.
  • Times tables - Year 4 are required to sit a times table statutory test, in June each year. Please encourage your child to go onto Times Tables Rock stars and practice. They all have their logins but any problems please get in touch.


Spring Term  

Maths - Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Decimals

English - Setting description and Non chronological report on Queen Boudica

Science - Animals including humans

History - Stone age - Bronze age 

Geography - UK and Europe

RE - Celebrating Mass and Jesus the Saviour

PSHE - Comfortable and uncomfortable emotions

Spanish - Colours and Days of the week

Computing - Computing systems and networks

Art and DT - L.S Lowry