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Home learning - 10th January 2025

Good morning Y2. Today's learning is:


  • Maths - Looking further at pounds and pence.


1. Watch the video on choosing notes and coins.

2. Then answer the questions, just like the ones we do in class!




y2 spring block 1 wo4 choose notes and coins 2022.pdf



English - Reading comprehension.

This week we have practiced spelling and writing. Now it is time to delve into a book. Enjoy this one!


First, try the starter quiz Starter Quiz


Then watch the teaching video Lesson video


Finally, try answering the exit quiz questions and see what you have learnt about Yoshi!  Exit Quiz




RE - Jesus is lost in The Temple.


Watch the following video which tells the story of Jesus getting lost in the temple. Jesus is a bit older now and becomes separated from his mother Mary and father Joseph. 





  • Then have a think about these questions. Can you find the answers from the video. Think closely about how Mary and Joseph felt. 






 Welcome to Class 2


Class Teacher: Miss Law (Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri) and Miss Crawford (Wednesday)


Teaching assistants: Mrs Battle and Mrs Graves (Morning)





Our Class Saint


Our Class 2 Saint is St Thomas of Aquinas. Because he was big and strong and sometimes slow to speak, Thomas Aquinas's schoolmates called him the Dumb Ox. Not long afterwards, he came to be called Doctor (which means "teacher") because he could actually understand complicated things quickly and explain them well. Which is what he loved to do. Indeed, in 1320, less than fifty years after Thomas died, Thomas's biographer said that "throughout the entire world, Thomas's teachings have spread among the faithful, and the whole Church is instructed by his voice." Today, the Church Herself calls Saint Thomas Aquinas the Angelic Doctor ("the teacher who is like an angel"): pure, strong, close to God, and truly a messenger of divine light.



                                                                      Spring Term                                                                                          


This term, class 2 will continue to develop their reading comprehension skills by looking at the follow stories: 

Hansel and Gretel

Dogs in Space

A Bottle of happiness 

A Hundred-Mile-An-Hour-Dog

The Darkest Dark


During our session, we will developing skills to help us understand new vocabulary, answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions and sequencing texts in order. 


Additionally, we will be learning how to write recounts and recall events that have happened in the past. We will first be focusing on an imaginary trip to the rainforest and later write a recount based on our real school trip to the Bradford Industrial Museum. 

We will also be learning how to develop our writing skills through diary entries. We will be using the wonderful book, 'Perfectly Norman' as a stimulus to help create our ideas and convey our emotions. And towards the end of the term, we be writing adventure stories, building on the skills learnt early in September in this area. 










This half term, class 2 will be developing maths skills in the following areas:


Multiplication and Division

Length and Height

Mass, Capacity and Temperature



 Visit White Rose Maths Primary school maths resources | White Rose Education to see a breakdown on the maths lessons for year 2!   




Religious Education

The title of our spiritual journey this term is 'The Good News'.  This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the joy that Jesus brings and to reflect on how we can bring joy to others. The children will learn that Jesus brings the good news of God’s love through his miracles and so turns sadness into joy.

Children will understand that: 

Jesus, Mary and Joseph are the Holy Family

Jesus learned lots of things from his parents: about God, how to pray, and life-skills –just like us

Jesus chooses friends (disciples) to help him tell the good news about God

Jesus shows that God is loving and forgiving to all:

God is a friend to the friendless and lonely (The Ten Lepers)

 God feeds the hungry (Feeding of the 5000)

God heals the sick (Jairus’ Daughter and Cure of the Paralysed Man)

God forgives us (Looking at the parable Cure of the Paralysed Man)



Class 2 will begin using a spelling scheme called Read, Write Inc. spelling. Children will take part in daily 15 minute spelling sessions, each week focusing on a new spelling rule. The idea of the spelling scheme is to teach spelling for writing, not for spelling tests. Spelling practice activities and games can be accessed at home via the Oxford Owl website. Please see a member of staff for the username and password.




This half-term, class 2 will be looking at plants. They will investigate what seeds and bulbs need to grow and will take part in growing their own plant.




 Class 2 will be looking at the knowledge and skills needed to answer the question: Do we know more about space than our oceans?

Children will be able to identify the 7 continents of the world, our largest oceans, the features of Africa, whether land is floating on the sea and if countries would exist without inhabitants. 




Our history topic this term is Florence Nightingale. Children will look at the question 'Who was more important, Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole?' Year 2 will understand why Florence's parents didn't want her to be a nurse, why the Crimean war began and comparing similarities between Mary and Florence. 


Physical Education

Our PE topic this half-term is dance.

PE is on a Friday. Please ensure children arrive wearing a suitable PE kit so they are not having to change before. 




Children will be learning about their own rights and responsibilities.     




This term’s focus is the impressionist Claude Monet. Children will practice using oil pastels and experiment with different brush strokes.                                                



Phonics Books

Our chosen scheme of learning is called Read, Write, Inc. Your child learns following a repetitive reading strategy that is required by the Department for Education. Each day your child reads and is read to within this scheme. Each book lasts for three days and then it is changed. The changeover day is clearly displayed on the ‘Class 2 Noticeboard’ – please check this for any changes.



Our school has a fantastic library. We aim to take the children every Friday afternoon. When your child has read the library book, please ensure they return it so it can be exchanged for another one.