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St. Matthew's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Class 1

Class Teacher:  Miss Mitchell

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Atter & Mrs Williams

PPA Cover:  Miss Crawford (Monday afternoons)


General Class Information:

  • After school club is available for pupils this term which takes place on a Monday 3:30-4:30pm. Please speak to a member of our team for more information.  
  • Our PE day is Wednesday. Pupils will need to wear black or navy joggers, leggings or shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers.  
  • Singing lessons take place every Tuesday morning.  
  • Reading books - we encourage pupils to read daily at home to help build confidence and fluency. Two books are sent home and are changed every three days.  
  • Library books are changed every Friday so please remember to return books on this day in order to receive a new one.  
  • Our Class Saint is St Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa). Her feast day is the 5th of September.

Autumn Term 2024


We will be studying the following texts during this term:


Red Riding Hood and the Sweet Little Wolf

Cyril and Pat

Riley Can Be Anything

Zog and the Flying Doctors

The Snowman

At the beginning of this term, we will be writing labels, lists and captions whilst studying these texts. As we move through the term, our focus will shift onto learning what a sentence is and how to write a sentence accurately using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will also produce an information page for a class book about different jobs, a retell of a story, a letter and a missing poster. 

We also have daily phonics lessons following the Read, Write, Inc programme.


We follow the White Rose Maths scheme. This term we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction where we will learn to understand and use part whole models and learn our number bonds to 10. We will then move on to geometry (shape) with a focus on recognising, naming and sorting a mix of various 2D and 3D shapes.


We will be learning about different everyday materials this term with a focus on wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock. We will be comparing and grouping a variety of different materials based on their simple physical properties and will carry out various investigations to find out which materials a most suitable for a particular job.

Religious Education

Our first topic in RE is called 'God's Great Plan' where we be learning about the story of Creation, Noah's Ark and have the opportunity to talk about our favourite parts of God's world.

In Autumn 2, we will learn about Mary Our Mother and all about her role in the Christmas Story. We will be learning how important Advent is for Christians and will be retelling the Christmas Story.


In History, we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London including some of the main events such as, how it started, what factors made it spread so quickly and what we have learnt from it.


During geography this term, we will be looking at different types of maps such as a globe, an atlas and a satellite map. We will also be learning about oceans and continents. We will be learning to locate and mark on a map all of the seven continents and the five oceans in the world.

Physical Education

This term our focus is on dance and gymnastics. PE takes place on a Wednesday so please ensure pupils arrive at school each Wednesday wearing a suitable PE kit (black or navy joggers, leggings or shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers).


Our Art topic this term is 'At the Seaside'. We will be learning about impressionism and how we can use different brushstrokes to create similar paintings of our own.

Our DT topic this term is 'Slider Mechanisms'. We will be learning what a slider mechanism is and what it can be used for. We will use this information to plan and create our own product (a card) which will include a slider mechanism.


 This term our PSHCE topics are:

  • Me and My Relationships
  • Valuing Difference

We follow the SCARF scheme - more information on this can be found on their website: coramlifeeducation.org.uk


Our topic for Autumn 1 is 'Computer Systems and Networks - Technology around us'.

Our topic for Autumn 2 is 'Creating Media - Digital painting'.