Welcome to Class 1
Home Learning: Friday 10th January 2025
Good morning and happy Friday everyone! Here are some activities for today:
- Watch this video to learn/review the 'oy' sound:
- Watch this video to practice spelling with Fred Fingers (you will need a pencil and paper for this task):
- Look at the pictures below and tell a grown up what you can see in each picture.
- Choose 4 of the pictures to write a sentence about. Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
For example: The bird is sitting in the plant pot.
home learning 10 1 25 english pictures .pdf
For Maths, I would like you to watch this video to learn about 2D shapes:
After watching this, please complete the worksheets below.
home learning 10 1 25 2d shapes maths .pdf
home learning 10 1 25 sort 2d shapes maths .pdf
Our new Art topic is called 'The Beauty of Flowers' where we will look at different pictures, paintings and sculptures of flowers. Therefore, your task is to get creative and either draw or paint a picture of a flower/flowers of your choice! You may wish to use different materials you have at home to do this or even make a 3D flower using junk modelling!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I hope to see you all on Monday! Fingers crossed!
Home Learning: Thursday 9th January 2025
Good morning and welcome back for day 2 of home learning! Here are some activities for today:
- Watch this video to learn/review the 'ou' sound:
- Watch this video to practice spelling with Fred Fingers (you will need a pencil and paper for this task):
1. Get comfortable and enjoy listening to this winter story about two small animals!
2. After reading, look at the picture of Squirrel and Bird below. Think about all the different words you can use to describe them. We call these describing words adjectives. Write two sentences to describe squirrel and two sentences to describe bird using describing words.
For example, Squirrel has a green scarf. Squirrel has long, furry ears.
1. Watch this video to continue learning about 3D shapes and how you can sort them:
2. After watching, challenge yourself to complete the worksheet below:
home learning 9 1 25 sort 3d shapes maths .pdf
3. As an extra challenge, you could also practice writing your numbers from 1 to 20, making sure you write them the right way around (facing the correct direction).
We have been learning about seasons in Science. Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize and ask a grown up to help you with the reading on this page. There is a video for you to watch to recap your learning of the different seasons. After this, there are also some quizzes below for you to try. Good luck!
There is also a song about the different seasons for you to listen to and enjoy!
Home Learning: Wednesday 8th January 2025
Happy new year Class 1! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing you once the weather has improved! Here are some activities you could do at home:
- Please watch this video to practice the 'ir' sound:
- Then, please watch this video to practice spelling with Fred Fingers (you will need a pencil and paper for this task):
For English, I would like you to write a holiday recount. For this, you need to write about what you did during the Christmas holidays! You could write about somewhere you have been, what you did on Christmas day or write about your favourite present from Santa!
Remember that you need to write in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Once you have done this, you could draw a picture to go with your writing.
For Maths, I would like you to watch this video to learn about 3D shapes:
Once you have watched this, challenge yourself to complete the worksheet attached:
home learning 8 1 25 3d shapes maths .pdf
Then go on a shape hunt to see how many cubes you can find, spheres you can find etc. You could also see if you can build these 3D shapes outside in the snow!
We normally do PE on a Wednesday afternoon so why not try out some of these yoga videos:
Class Teacher: Miss Mitchell
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Atter & Mrs Williams
PPA Cover: Miss Crawford (Monday afternoons)
General Class Information:
- After school club is available for pupils this term which takes place on a Monday 3:30-4:30pm. Please speak to a member of our team for more information.
- Our PE day is Wednesday. Pupils will need to wear black or navy joggers, leggings or shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers.
- Singing lessons take place every Tuesday morning.
- Reading books - we encourage pupils to read daily at home to help build confidence and fluency. Two books are sent home and are changed every three days.
- Library books are changed every Friday so please remember to return books on this day in order to receive a new one.
- Our Class Saint is St Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa). Her feast day is the 5th of September.
Spring Term 2025
We will be studying four main texts during this term:
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
Lost and Found
Hector and the Big Bad Knight
The Three Little Pigs
Whilst studying these texts, we will be learning all about instructions and will be writing our own instructions on how to make jam sandwiches... Yum! We will also continuing to work on our sentence structure and handwriting whilst we challenge ourselves to write our own narratives for 'Lost and Found' and 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will be focusing on learning new words and extending our vocabulary throughout all of our English lessons which will help us write a character descriptions in Spring 2.
We also have daily phonics lessons following the Read, Write, Inc programme.
We follow the White Rose Maths scheme. Our topics for this term are place value, addition and subtraction, length and height and weight and volume. During our maths lessons this Spring term, we will continue to practice counting forwards and backwards to 100 and practice arithmetic questions.
We are learning all about plants this term in science. We will be learning about the basic parts of plants and trees and investigating what they need to grow by planting our own seeds! We will also continue to explore the changes in seasons throughout the year as we move into Spring and observe the seasonal changes on the plants and trees in our school grounds.
Religious Education
Our topics for RE this term are 'Following Jesus' and 'Families and Celebrations'. We will also learn how important Easter is for Christians and how important Shabbat is for Jewish people.
Our focus is on the Industrial Revolution where we will find out what this term means, how technology changed during this period of time and be able to explain what makes the Industrial Revolution so significant.
During geography this term, we will be exploring the United Kingdom as our new topic. We will be finding out what countries make up the United Kingdom and will able to locate these on a map.
Physical Education
This term our focus is on a variation of different games. PE takes place on a Wednesday so please ensure pupils arrive wearing a suitable PE kit so they are not having to change before.
Our topic for art is 'The Beauty of Flowers'.
Our topic for DT is 'Portable Snacks'.
This term of PSHCE topics are:
- Keeping Myself Safe.
- Rights and Responsibilities.
We follow the SCARF scheme - more information on this can be found on their website: coramlifeeducation.org.uk
Our focus for Spring 1 is programming, moving a robot.
Our focus for Spring 2 is data and information, where we will learn about grouping data.